Posted by on June 3, 2015 7:25 pm
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Categories: PlanSurvive Articles Survival Skills

This article was written by Dave Scott from the Alderleaf Wilderness College



Knowing how to use snares and traps for survival trapping can help you deal with one of the most challenging pursuits in a longer term survival situation: the ability to obtain protein and fat. Though one can certainly eat numerous edible plants while out in the back county you can’t get nearly as high a caloric return from plants as you can from meat.

You can certainly use a throwing stick or survival bow to obtain food, however, active hunting can be a very time consuming pursuit. Time spent hunting is time that cannot be spent on other tasks such as shelter improvements or tool construction, and by no means are all hunts successful … continue to main article

Alderleaf Wilderness College is a nature education and wilderness survival school. Alderleaf offers courses on wilderness survival, permaculture & sustainable living skills, wild edible & medicinal plants, wildlife tracking, and outdoor leadership in the Pacific Northwest. Led by a staff of experienced instructors, Alderleaf Wilderness College courses provides people of all ages and skill levels with valuable nature skills.