Posted by on April 26, 2015 6:41 pm
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Categories: Essentials PlanSurvive Articles

Woman In DangerDisasters create abnormal circumstances. Potentially dangerous situations can arise at any time, but the fact is, the threat of violent activity tends to escalate during disaster situations. After a disaster the police will be overwhelmed, so the responsibility will fall on the individual to provide protection for themselves and family. A major component of disaster preparedness is self-defense.

When the lights go out and people are scrambling, there will be those ready to take advantage of the situation. A crisis will bring out the best and the worst in people, and you will encounter both during a disaster scenario. Looting will begin almost immediately and violent crimes increase during any crisis. Whether driven by desperation or greed, it is the darkest side of every disaster. People react to a crisis differently and otherwise law-abiding citizens once they feel desperate may turn to criminal acts to get what they need. Disasters can drive good people to do things they would not normally do. While some individuals are lending their neighbors a helping hand, others are helping themselves.

With the initial inability of law enforcement to respond to your assistance, you must be prepared to defend yourself and your family. You can’t always rely on other people. It will be your responsibility to prepare and protect them now for when, not if, a disaster situation happens. Wildfires, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes and other types of disasters all require a cool head and fast action in an emergency. Planning ahead is not only a good idea but it could end up saving your life. However it’s important to remember that supplies are of no use to you if they are taken or destroyed because we don’t have the ability to protect them.

G20 Protest in Toronto.Disasters pose serious problems for individuals and the importance of self-defense is sometimes overlooked in disaster preparation. Unfortunately, it is an aspect that must be considered. As a crisis extends, people will become more and more desperate. Self-defense doesn’t just involve the use of weapons, but the way you think and respond to dangerous encounters. Self-defense starts with using your head and listening to your own inner instincts. In order to protect yourself and family, you must first be aware of your surroundings. Avoiding confrontation is always the best option. To do so you must project confidence and show that you are ready. Criminals look for the easy targets, people who appear unaware or unprepared. Nobody ever thinks it will happen to them, which is why they are always the perfect victim.

Avoid advertising you have a stockpile of supplies. Once people realize you have emergency supplies, they may attempt to take them from you. Being prepared is important but having a large stockpile of emergency supplies can make you a target and not necessarily just for looters. Desperate neighbors and friends may feel they have to do what is necessary to provide for their own families when they haven’t prepared. Some may turn to violence, so building self-defense skills and having self-defense weapons needs to be a part of your disaster preparation. Survival sometimes is simply a matter of who is properly prepared. You can’t have your supplies taken from you during a disaster because it can mean the difference between surviving or not. Your emergency stockpile is the only thing in some cases keeping you alive and it must be protected.

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By Gregory Shepard