Posted by on April 25, 2015 10:31 am
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Cairo TrafficEach emergency situation needs a different set of skills to cope with the crisis. So it’s important to plan and be prepared for each emergency to ensure your survival.

Of course, this is easier said than done. You have to develop strategies and tactics to help you cope with these extreme situations. The basic strategy is to be alert and to keep your wits about you.

Urban survival includes two main sections:

1. Street skills

These skills prove to be helpful in extreme survival situations such as homelessness. These include:

  • The will to survive
  • The golden rule of three – getting food and water as well as finding shelter
  • Getting first aid
  • Getting rescued

The strategy behind all of these is to learn lifesaving skills well ahead. First, try to acquire a better knowledge of your environment and your area. Be aware of any gang territories.

Second, sound self defense skills are always beneficial. Moreover, you need to gain knowledge about the benefits of various articles used in your day-to-day life. You’ll never know what may come in handy in apparently inescapable situations!Hate Crime

2. Home preparedness

You need to involve your family in the planning process. In doing so, they’ll understand the importance of each of their roles in when the strategies are implemented during emergencies.

Home Security

According to the urban survival scenario, find ways of securing your home. You also need to make ensure the availability of an adequate transportation system that’s well stocked with necessary supplies. This is in cases of:

  • Nuclear disaster: a simple fallout shelter outside your home or in the basement should be built properly.
  • Biological warfare: Bio-filters, duct tapes, basic drugs, and first aid should be stocked up on.
  • Chemical: Chemical filters, duct tapes, steel plates, plastic should be stored for use in time.
  • You need to keep certain weapons handy for use in case of home invasions.
  • You need to invest in firearms, improvised sprinkler and security systems as well as taking the proper courses to master their use. You need to be in-charge and you should inspect the fire extinguishers on a regular basis
  • Protecting Your Family

A good planning process and regular drills prove to be beneficiary in this regard. All members of the family should be well versed with basic self defense and firearm safety skills.

  • Food Storage

To be assured of an adequate food supply, store foods that have a longer shelf life such as freeze dried food.

  • Water Storage

You can stock potable water in plastic drums or canisters. If you have the budget for it, you can have a 1,000 gallon capacity stainless steel tank installed.

  • Evacuation

You need to properly plan for alternative secure shelters and hold regular mock drills for evacuation. This will help you and your family to get out at a moment’s notice during emergencies.

  • Getting Rescued

Start setting up signals as soon as your immediate survival needs are met. The basic idea behind this is to draw attention of your rescuers to your position. Use a mirror, flashlight, red flags, branches of trees and fire to attract attention. Don’t depend on others for help. Instead, keep a look out for non-profit organizations employed in rescuing people.

No doubt urban survival is a ceaseless struggle to stay alive. Don’t be surprised if your wits are constantly put to the test. This can prove to be extremely unsettling and difficult.So it’s important to plan and be prepared for any emergencies.

You don’t want to be caught off guard without the right survival equipment when something happens.

Knowing the best tips and tricks to surviving a disaster can be the difference between life and death, stop by for tips on how to survive a disaster.

By David M. Kingston