Posted by on April 25, 2015 11:06 am
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Categories: Bug Out PlanSurvive Articles

KUKES, ALBANIA, 17 APRIL 1999 -- Kosovar Albanians line up for fIf the SHTF (Sewage Hits The Fan) and you have to evacuate, or “bug out” from your home, then you immediately become what is known as a refugee, and that is NOT what you want to be.

The first priority for any refugee is to have a roof over their head, and the second to the last place you want to be is in any type of “Shelter” where people lose control over their daily routines and can become victimized by predators.

That is the second to the last place you want to be, with the absolute last place you want to be is out on the streets, exposed to the elements and totally without protection from criminals.

So, with that being said, what are some ideas for shelter for you and your family if you ever have to bug out?

The first and best option is to have prepared ahead of time with friends and relatives well outside of the area where you live so that you can stay with them for a time. Many preppers and survivalists take this planning to the degree where they actually preposition supplies at the home of a ‘prepping partner’ and allow them to do likewise.

This way, both partners have more peace of mind that if they have to evacuate, they will have clothes and other needed personal items waiting for them at a remote location.

Another option for shelter in case of a bugout scenario is to have camping equipment stored at a storage locker near a favorite campground or state park. Since it would be difficult to grab everything you need in the few minutes that a bugout usually affords, having supplies prepositioned in this way gives you a lot more flexibility.

River Side Wooden Cabin Scenic LandscapeBy far the best option is to have a retreat location well stocked and away from where you live, but this should never be counted on absolutely. Due to the nature of the emergency that causes you to have to bug out, the roads between you and your retreat could be closed or other factors could make it inaccessible.

The main thing is to have more than one contingency plan. Any prepper or survivalist worth his salt understands that Murphy’s Law will rear its ugly head and thwart your best plan, so a backup is always in order.

By the way, do you want to discover the 5 things you should always have in your car? If so, download my free MP3 HERE.

And to learn all about a simple way to start stockpiling food, you can click HERE.

By Mike Kuykendall  Prepping Consultant